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Become God's Best Version of YOU - Meditate with the Holy Spirit to grow deeper and soar higher in Christ
Welcome_Module 1
Welcome (22:52)
Lesson 1 - Let's Talk About Meditation (23:22)
Module 2 - Your Brain and Meditation
Your Brain and Meditation (19:37)
Developing A Deeper Walk
Developing A Deeper Walk - Before you begin Module 3
Module 3 - What It Means To Be 'In Christ'
What It Means To Be 'In Christ' (24:09)
What It Means To Be 'In Christ' (Doc)
My Identity In Christ Meditations and Declarations
Being In Christ
Benefits to Being In Christ
Finding Myself In Christ
The Missing Power
The Missing Power
A Deeper Walk Course Check-In
Checking In (6:25)
Module 4 - The Holy Spirit and His Power Within
The Holy Spirit and His Power Within (35:35)
The Holy Spirit and His Power Within (Doc)
Hearing God's Voice
The Power Within
Benefits of the Holy Spirit's Power Within
The Power of the Holy Spirit Through His People
An Intimate Moment...
An Intimate Moment
Module 5 - A Daily, Deeper Walk
A Daily, Deeper Walk (26:50)
A Daily, Deeper Walk (Doc)
Holy Spirit Meditation - The Only Way
Those Who Meditated
What's Next?
What's Next? (3:15)
A Daily, Deeper Walk
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